Tag Archives: prayer movement

Hope for the Future

Our Prayers for Wisdom in Developing a House of PrayerGod wants us to faithfully finish this life-long race  and receive the crown of the victor. He wants to openly display His glory
(Rev.  21:3). We must be faithful while on earth. We are running in a race as we look unto Jesus (Hebrews 12:1-2). The Apostle Paul wanted to receive this prize.

The House of Prayer helps us to walk in full obedience so that we might be found worthy of ruling in the age to come and receive the prize.

  • Is the Lord alarming us with the crises of these days?
  • Has He not spoken about those events that will bring the King-
    dom authority to His Bride, the Church, on earth?
  • Does not Satan tremble when Christians take God at His Word
    when He says, “Ask and you shall receive?”

“At such a time as this as we witness this global mobilization of prayer, we can perhaps look to the future with cautious excitement. What will God do in answer to so much prayer, we wonder? God’s kingdom, when it comes, probably won’t arrive in the way we expect or even want it to. But viewing history with the eyes of faith, through the grid of past prayer movements, we can easily see the correlation between seasons of intercession and the extension of God’s kingdom in the world.” Peter Greig and David Blackwell

Count it all joy as you involve yourself in this worldwide prayer movement (James 1:2-12). God is raising up a glorious Church without spot or wrinkle, and you are part of it (Ephesians 5:26-27). His government will increase over the whole earth as the prayer and worship movement increases.

Though the powers of darkness seek to hinder Houses of Prayer through disappointments, deception, distractions and difficulty, God’s people will begin to see the big picture. They will start to live from the perspective of eternity rather than live a compromised life (Mark 4:7; Luke 27:31-33). They will begin to understand His strategy to bring righteousness and justice to earth, and this will keep them steady in the House of Prayer.

The Apostle Paul was consumed with a hope for the future. It sustained him in the midst of pressure and opposition. He was able to endure suffering with joy (Romans 8:18, 24). Studying the end times should fill our hearts with hope, because God will triumph over evil and Jesus will triumph as King of kings.

Let’s live with eternity in view. Jesus is coming back to a praying Church that will advance His glory throughout the entire world. Jesus is right now bringing transformation onto the earth in all nations and in all of our lives. The bowls of intercession in heaven are becoming full. Like the butterfly released from it’s cocoon, the Church will arise as a beautiful praying Bride as she waits expectantly for her Bridegroom King to appear in all His glory.

“Jesus is not coming back to a prayerless Church, rather to one enjoying mature bridal partnership with Him in intercession for the great harvest. The church will complete the Great Commission reaching to all 255 nations in the power of the Holy Spirit (Matt. 24:14). This strategic plan of the Holy Spirit will reach a crescendo before the Lord returns, as the bowls of intercession will become full in heaven.” Mike Bickle

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International

Spreading Prayer Worldwide

The Apostolic Prayers of Paul“If Christians prayed as Christians ought—with strong commanding faith, with earnestness and sincerity—men, God-called men, God-empowered men everywhere, would be burning to go and spread the Gospel worldwide. The Word of the Lord would run and be glorified as never known heretofore. The God-influenced men, the God-inspired men, the God-commissioned men, would go and kindle the flame of sacred fire for Christ, salvation, and heaven, everywhere in all nations. Soon all men would hear the glad tidings of salvation and have an opportunity to receive Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.”
E. M. Bounds

Day and night prayer ignites the power of God to release the fire of the Gospel throughout the earth. Every nation, every city, every people group, and every neighborhood cannot miss the tremendous influence of the atmosphere of prayer released from the prayer room. There is something deep and far-reaching that happens when God’s people give themselves to 24/7 prayer and intercession in a given location. It cannot be measured by human means, but its dynamic power can set the fire of God loose in a nation in a way that is beyond comprehension.

I have heard of evangelists going to a region, locking themselves in a hotel room, praying unceasingly for days, and then going out and sharing the Gospel with incredible results. If one man can see that happen, imagine the effect when the Church worldwide gives itself to prayer and actually makes prayer its primary business. Then we shall surely see things happen. None of us have gotten there yet, but it certainly should be our highest ambition and shall take a primary role as we see the end-time scenario unfold before us.

Perhaps one of the greatest prayer warriors in all of history was Praying Hyde of northern India who lived from 1865-1912. He would miss meals and would bow or lie down on the ground because of intense travail, and cry out to the Lord daily for souls. He was burning within for the salvation of the lost.

Finally, with an agonizing passion for those without Christ, he began to pray that God would let him win a soul to Jesus every day that year. At the end of the year, four hundred souls had been won through his daily witness. The next year Hyde cried out to the Lord for two souls a day. That year about eight hundred had responded to Christ through Hyde. But his heart grew in intense desperation, and he began to plead to God for four souls a day. That year he led four souls a day to Christ.

He would first travail for the lost, and then he would go out and speak to men and women about how to find eternal life through Christ. He first prayed, and then he witnessed. After praying, the Holy Spirit would lead him to the right individuals.

Multitudes came to Christ through this praying man. What a fantastic method of evangelism!

The ministry of Anna in the Bible is increasing across the earth—individuals who give themselves to day and night prayer as she and Praying Hyde did. Anna, even though extremely old, worshiped God night and day almost all her life. We read in Luke 2:36b-37:

“She was very old; she had lived with her husband seven years after her marriage, and then was a widow until she was eighty-four. She never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying.”

God is raising up intercessory missionaries who pray night and day. The urgency of the hour and the present emphasis on prayer makes 24/7 prayer a possibility in this generation. We cannot do without intercession and individuals who give themselves to prayer like Anna. The need is too great. Here at IHOP there are several hundred intercessory missionaries. Multitudes of intercessors visit this mission base annually to learn about day and night prayer.

God will release finances for the harvest and for this great worldwide prayer movement. He will shake all things as He does this (Haggai 2:6-8). He will open up the financial windows of heaven supernaturally, if we will be faithful to obey Him with our money (Malachi 3:10-11). The release of finances will bring great blessing, but there certainly will be pressures as God deals with our heart issues.

Already there is a spirit of fear throughout the world regarding finances, and Satan greatly opposes and hinders the release of finances for God’s work. Giving forces us to wrestle with covetousness and the spirit of fear. Economic prosperity gives us an increased ability to help others, to grow in righteousness, and to increase our position in the Millennial Kingdom.

More money in our pockets is not for a bigger house or a nicer car, as many of us may think. It’s for God’s Kingdom purposes. The struggle will be great for many of us until we see everything in light of God’s Kingdom. He will return to us in proportion to the measure of our giving (Luke 6:38; 2 Corinthians 9:5-6). We must have money to eat, but God also gives us money to sow. In the midst of all that is happening in the end times, we must refuse the spirit of poverty and the mentality of lack.

Norm and I have been involved in missions and the prayer movement since 1978. We have not had a regular paycheck, but have had to trust God for our finances all these years. That’s over 37 years. I can testify that God has provided for us all these years, and we never lacked anything. He has been faithful.

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International

The Increase of Houses of Prayer Worldwide

cropped-11169247_994914043905036_2077199318887040447_n.jpg“The worldwide prayer movement implements a specific process when establishing prayer watches. Churches, towns, cities, countries and continents are mobilized to stand before God’s throne 24 hours a day to praise and worship Him, and to plead for the nations. Intercessors pray for revival in the church and for world evangelization, as well as for transformation and healing of cities and countries. In this way the Great Commandment and the Great Commission are carried out.” Awaken the Watchmen

The prayer movement is advancing at an incredible rate worldwide. Day and night prayer watches have been increasing since the beginning of 1990. By 1995 there were a few dozen, but within ten years it grew to a few thousand. By the time you read this, you can imagine how many there will be worldwide.

There are many exciting ways this is happening. Although there are some common approaches, the Holy Spirit is creative and often uses unique methods that are tailored to each city in each country. Jericho Walls, a leading prayer ministry based in South Africa, encourages and gives us some incredible examples of how the worldwide prayer movement is expanding throughout the world. Realize that these statistics regarding Houses of Prayer are constantly changing because God is expanding the prayer movement so quickly. This is adapted from Awaken the Watchmen24/7 Prayer Guidelines and Models. Let’s give God praise and thanksgiving for what He is doing worldwide in prayer.

  • The Jerusalem House of Prayer for all Nations in Jerusalem – This House of Prayer started in 1987 by Tom Hess. The Gates of Jerusalem Watch is part of this prayer initiative, where twelve prayer teams pray daily for two hours at the twelve gates of Jerusalem. In 1999 Hess started the first convocation for the 24-hour prayer watch. This is spreading around the world. Other prayer watches have been established in Israel in the last several years.
  • The International House of Prayer in Kansas City, USA (IHOPKC) – Since 1999 a 24/7, 365-day House of Prayer has been going in Kansas City. The mission of these intercessors and worshippers is to establish Houses of Prayer all over the world. Mike Bickle designed a model for prayer called “harp and bowl” which combines worship and intercession.
  • The “Waechterruf Initiative” (Watchman’s Call Initiative) in Germany – This model was started in 2000 where every city must pray for the German nation, the salvation of the people, and the needs of the people and government for one full 24-hour day per month. Many cities are involved in this, each taking a day of the month.
  • Cathe, Nagaland Christian Revival Prayer Houses in northern India – This House of Prayer was established in 1962 through a revival movement. Sixty houses have been built for people who want to devote their lives to prayer. A 24-hour prayer watch is kept there. By the end of 2000, there were approximately one thousand active prayer watches in Nagaland, and 95% of the people are now Christians.
  • Washington DC Prayer Watch in the United States – In 1997 the US/DC Prayer Watch was established as a national prayer watch to pray for the U.S. 24 hours a day. A central prayer calendar was compiled with the names of individuals and prayer groups who commit themselves to pray for an hour a week or once a month. Several million intercessors are involved in this prayer watch.
  • A Million Hours of Praise in England – Cathryn Hall in England initiated a million hours of praise and worship that developed into day and night praise and worship. Worship teams all over the world are encouraged to participate in this movement of praise.
  • Prayer Watches for Drug Addicts in South Africa – A pastor’s wife got parents together every Friday night to pray all through the night for their children caught in drugs. After three years it grew to 36 different 365-day prayer chains that pray for children addicted to drugs. It has now grown to a few hundred watches that pray for young people involved in drugs and the occult. Some run 24 hours a day. Thousands are now involved in these watches.
  • Prayer Towers in Indonesia – Through the work of the national prayer network in Indonesia, prayer towers have been
    established in more than five hundred cities. About five million intercessors from all over the country are bound together in a network of prayer. The intercessors cover a week of 24/7 prayer with sixteen or more full-time intercessors taking shifts of four hours a day. Others who want to pray join them. Even children are involved in these prayer towers.
  • Prayer Mountains in South Korea – There are numerous prayer mountains throughout South Korea where people can go up into the mountains to pray day and night. Many go to these places to fast. Some up to forty days. They believe that the political stability and church growth is because of these prayer mountains.
  • Since 1995 World Trumpet Mission and Watchman Intercessors Network have helped to establish 24-hour prayer watches in 43 districts in Uganda.
  • The Youth and 24-7 Prayer in England – In 1999 Peter Greig started a dynamic prayer movement among young people. They creatively decorate prayer rooms and start praying for 168 hours. They are known as 24-7. When they become 24-7, 365-day watches, they are called boiler rooms. By 2006, there were 65 countries where the 24-7 prayer movement among youth had taken root and was growing. They are spreading rapidly all over the world.

In his book, 24-7 Prayer Manual, Peter Greig shares about how day and night prayer is spreading throughout North America. This should create a hunger within us to see it happen now where we personally live.

“In Canada we now have regional representatives resourcing 24-7 prayer rooms from coast to coast. Meanwhile, from Alaska to Florida, almost every state has hosted seasons of 24-7 prayer. By the time you read this, the 24-7 movement will almost certainly have impacted all 50 states. These American prayer rooms have been established in a diverse array of contexts: at many different churches (Evangelical, Charismatic, and liturgical), on university campuses. At festivals, at a slum motel in East Vancouver, and even at the US Naval Academy, where apparently the prayer times were particularly disciplined! Some of the soldiers who prayed in the 24-7 room have since, almost certainly, given their lives in Iraq. God is doing an amazing thing in our time, but, if you’re anything like us, you eventually grow weary of hearing stories of revival and social transformation in other churches, on other campuses or at other times in history. You pray with a mixture of faith and frustration: “Do it here, Lord. Do it now!”

“A person who can pray is the mightiest instrument Christ has in this world. A praying church is stronger than all the gates of hell. God’s decree for the glory of His Son’s kingdom is dependent on prayer for its fulfillment: ‘Ask of me, and I will give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost part of the earth for thy possession’ (Psalm 2:8). God the Father gives nothing to his Son except through prayer.” E.M Bounds

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International

God is Connecting Us

Possible Hindrances to Unity in a House of PrayerGod is uniting a powerful prayer movement worldwide. In a supernatural way, He is connecting all of us. He is realigning ministries and people—He is teaching us to celebrate one another’s victories—He is orchestrating strategic shifts and realignments.

It’s important not to resist what God is doing, but eagerly gain new Kingdom alliances. The Kingdom is any sphere of life that actively obeys the will of God (Matthew 6:10). He wants us to have a Kingdom view of people and all of life.

It’s His Kingdom and not ours.

As I move from place to place and from one country to another, I sense a connection that is powerful. What God is doing in your area is connected and important to other cities and nations. We desperately need each other. The present task now for each one of us is to connect in unity and prayer in our city. Let us ask for God’s powerful anointing in the Houses of Prayer in various churches in the city and in the corporate citywide House of Prayer. Pray that each prayer meeting is led by the Holy Spirit, and functions in grace-empowered prayer and worship.

General Robert E. Lee was a career United States Army officer for 32 years and among the most celebrated generals in American history. He is best known for fighting in the American Civil War on behalf of the Confederate Army. General Lee saw that prayer was a mighty weapon in taking back land from the enemy and winning battles. He was one who not only fought for the nation of America, but he also pleaded earnestly that people would pray everywhere. We must likewise fight for our nations on our knees and realize that God’s House of Prayer is for all nations. This is what Robert E. Lee said:

“Knowing that intercessory prayer is our mightiest weapon and the supreme call for all Christians today, I pleadingly urge our people everywhere to pray. Believing that prayer is the greatest contribution that our people can make in this critical hour, I humbly urge that we take time to pray—to really pray. Let there be prayer at sunup, at noonday, at sundown, at midnight—all through the day. Let us all pray for our children, our youth, our aged, our pastors, our homes. Let us pray for our churches. Let us pray for ourselves, that we may not lose the word “concern” out of our Christian vocabulary. Let us pray for our nation. Let us pray for those who have never known Jesus Christ and redeeming love, for moral forces everywhere, for our national leaders. Let prayer be our passion. Let prayer be our practice.”

As you work on building your House of Prayer, it is a good idea to get involved in the larger 24/7 prayer movement. There is strength in unity; knowing that you are part of something worldwide brings tremendous inner strength. When we work together we can share resources, discoveries, testimonies, and so much more than when we work alone and are isolated. We need one another.

If you would like to connect with the wider 24/7 prayer movement around the world, you can connect here at the Nations House of Prayer Equipping Center. There are several other ways you can do this as well. Here are a few:

  • Intercessors Arise International  Receive bimonthly motivational prayer training and books on prayer. Join the Intercessors Arise International Network and network with other prayer leaders and ministries.
  • International House of Prayer – Listen to 24/7 prayer on the free webstream, and attend prayer conferences, IHOPU, or join an internship where you can grow in prayer and network with others.
  • Mike Bickle’s online teaching library – Get free online teaching on various topics relating to prayer and the end times.
  • Register your prayer room at: www.24-7prayer.com Receive useful prayer resources, personalized coaching, and get profiled globally on the 24-7 website.
  • Global Day of Prayer  Get the Houses of Prayer in your nation involved in prayer on this day as well as throughout the year.

It’s time for all of us to connect worldwide. Houses of Prayer are springing up in so many nations. With growing excitement and anticipation, let’s rejoice in what God is doing.

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International

Creativity in the Worldwide Prayer Movement

1619267_964089653654142_2289170929060942269_nGod is up to something big! We must learn to celebrate His united creativity and diversity as Houses of Prayer spread worldwide.

Expect variation and creativity as the prayer movement increases. Some people have thought that Houses of Prayer have to be exactly alike. As you read about what God is doing, you can see that this is not true. The Holy Spirit is extremely creative. Each city and nation is different and is uniquely designed by God. Rejoice in different people and ways of praying. Rejoice in the different instruments and singers that God brings. Rejoice in God’s unity in diversity.

Seek God for the perfect expression He wants for you, your church, and your city. Don’t think it has to always turn out the same way or be done in the same fashion. The important thing is to begin so that you can take your part in the beautiful tapestry of prayer that God is designing throughout the earth. Peter Greig expresses the creativity of God in unique expressions of prayer:

“One of the things that often take people by surprise when they create space for 24-7 prayer is that there is an instant explosion of creativity. Instinctively, it seems, many people choose nonverbal ways of communicating with God the moment they have the opportunity. Suddenly prayers are painted, drummed, enacted, rhymed, choreographed, and even sculpted… The creativity of God is evident all around us, as is the inadequacy of speech amid the mysteries of life. How then can we reduce something as profound as prayer to mere words? Loving God demands the whole of our being: emotion, imagination, and personality.” Peter Greig and David Blackwell

A friend I was visiting was mending a big tablecloth with a beautiful design. There were a few tiny holes in various places and instead of throwing it away because it had no use, she wanted to mend the holes. At one point she told me to take the two ends and help her hold it up to the light. She then looked carefully for any holes that would be hard to see when looking at a small section. We held it up and sure enough, I found a small hole in one of the corners. She quickly mended the hole and there it was, a beautiful tablecloth!

The worldwide prayer movement is like this beautiful tapestry as it grows with united and creative intercession. Each piece is important. The entire piece makes a beautiful design for the world to see. Just as a tablecloth has a purpose for a family to eat and dine together on it, so the tapestry of prayer has a purpose. Believers gather to feast on the goodness of God and pray for the world. Its purpose and design will touch people all over the world with the glory of God and His salvation.

A tiny hole in this worldwide prayer movement will diminish the overall effect and purposes of God in that location. God is mending the nets and preparing the world for a huge catch of fish. It’s time that we each do our part in bringing about this great design of creative and fervent prayer in God’s House.

Let’s do our part and rejoice in the expression of God’s united creativity.  

As you anticipate this beautiful tablecloth of blessing, go to prayer with great expectation. Pray for God’s blessing in each prayer meeting you hear about, and pray for a great increase in 24/7 prayer in every nation. God is releasing a spirit of prayer throughout the earth.

He is raising up Houses of Prayer with great uniqueness and creativity in every land. This creativity does not diminish our unity. This unites us more because we realize that we don’t have to be exactly alike. Our unique prayer meeting adds to the overall unity of the prayer movement. God-inspired creativity is part of God’s plan in the prayer movement (Exodus 35:30-35; Psalm 45:1; Proverbs 8:22-31).

Ask God to show you a bigger picture of Himself through the diversity and creativity of 24/7 prayer. He is zealous for His House of Prayer throughout the world. He will take the full expression of His praying Church and make it a beautiful tapestry for the world to see and desire. When we unite, nothing is impossible.

“The zeal of the Lord of Hosts is loose in the land. The power and anointing in the Church is escalating as God releases the zeal of the Father’s house upon His people. It brings holy boldness, (creativity) and an unquenchable spirit of prayer. It stems from a holy jealousy of God who is declaring in a loud voice, “I’m coming to take over My house and to claim My house for My own.” James Goll

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International

Preparing the Church For the Future


“We will soon see prayer become the chief purpose and focus of the church, above any other activity. Intercession is no longer just an option. The basic calling of the church is to be “a house of prayer for all nations” (Mark 11:17). There are no remedies for human problems without God, and the whole earth is about to learn this.” Rick Joyner

The church is in transition and preparation. She will one day see her identity as an eternal House of Prayer and a glorious Bride—but she does not see it yet. There is a wrestling inside, almost like a butterfly in a tiny cocoon trying to escape and spread her wings. She is just beginning to hear the voice of the Bridegroom as John the Baptist did (John 3:29). She is just beginning to desire one thing above all others—to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord as David did (Psalm 27:4). She is just beginning to realize her unique privilege and the close friendship and intimate knowledge that she can have with God’s heart.

Things are happening quickly worldwide. We are all in God’s end-time preparation whether we like it or not. Now is the time to lay hold of the absolute necessity of day and night prayer and ask God to create it in our churches and in our cities. God is giving us grace and authority in prayer to seek Him at this time, so let’s take advantage of it. Let’s seek to grow in fervent prayer.

In unity, we will be doing and saying the same things the Spirit is doing and saying. We will be in unity with God as we learn to walk in daily obedience by pursuing Him in prayer and guarding our hearts with all diligence (Proverbs 4:23).

God desires for us to have a dynamic role as we partner with Him in prayer in bringing His Kingdom on earth. This is how He will govern His universe. As we unite in prayer and worship, we will keep strong and stable when everything is shaking around us.

The prayer movement in a city is going to be one of the greatest stabilizing forces for the Church. God hears the prayers of His people and brings victory (2 Chronicles 6:35, 40; 7:15). This will create the spiritual atmosphere that will enable all of us to bring in the harvest. Evil is increasing at an alarming rate. A House of Prayer can spiritually penetrate into the darkest areas of the city, causing those lost in the deepest darkness to come into the light and be set free.

With such a dynamic role in partnership with God, we must pray fervently for the prayer movement to arise and spread like fire.

In his book, Healing the Nations, John Sandford writes that the Church is seeing the beginning of visitation throughout the world:

“Over the past several years, the Lord has raised up an armada of intercessory ministries around the world. Through their efforts, multitudes have come together in citywide prayer, solemn assemblies, prayer summits, and reconciliation services. God has used the earnestness of this intercession to bring millions to repentance. The prayer movement has touched the heart of God; in turn, He has touched the heart of man. As a result of this prayer movement, the church is seeing the beginning of visitation throughout the world. Renewal, revival, and supernatural manifestations are being reported almost daily. Many feel we are closer to a great awakening than at any other time…”

Early one Sunday morning as we were on our way to a church two hours away, we made a quick stop at a gas station. When I went inside that gas station, I was instantly overwhelmed by the delicious smell of fresh bread and donuts. “Ummmmm” was about all I could say. It smelled so good that it was hard for me to leave. I wanted to buy coffee and donuts immediately because I had been captured by the aroma of that bread. I used my will power and didn’t buy any donuts, but I was strongly reminded that the prayers of the Church will be like a fragrant aroma that captures God’s attention.

The Church will become a House of Prayer for the nations. Churches throughout the world will put prayer at the center of all of their activities. They will cry out to God for their city, country, and the nations of the world. Those who are searching for truth will not be able to stay away from the sweet-smelling aroma of prayer that will come from the prayer room. People will be drawn into the Houses of Prayer, and God’s future Church will be filled with the aroma of Christ. This is what we have to look forward to. And those who have been in the prayer room will bring this sweet-smelling aroma with them everywhere they go—to school, their workplace, and into the streets.

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International

Places of Encounter with God

11695804_990323194364121_2649432941536911869_n“Prayer rooms are places of direct encounter with God. So much of our faith, if we are not very careful, can be second-hand experience. We listen to talks that tell us what to think. We read books that inspire us with other peoples’ experiences of God. But alone with God in a prayer room, it’s time to get the Bible open for your self, going straight to the source. It’s time to dialogue directly with God face to face without a middleman. In such a context, God often is able to speak to us and touch us in a way that no ministry session could ever achieve.” Peter Greig and David Blackwell

Isn’t a face-to-face encounter with God something you long for and desire? When I was in Germany, I was involved in teaching a course for God’s people who were working in different countries around the world. The course was called “Face to Face.” The goal of the course was to help bring individuals into a face-to-face relationship with God and also with one another.

The prayer room is the place of face-to-face encounter with God. I can’t think of a better description of the 24/7 prayer movement. The prayer room is the place to access the heavenly realm and hear from God. In the prayer room God purifies our life. As we spend time in prayer, we carry the very presence of God out with us into the world. Our faces can shine with the presence of God.

Moses is a good example of a Biblical character that sought the face of God. We read about his encounter with God in Exodus 33:11a: “The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend.” When he came down from the presence of God, His face actually shone with the glory of God.

“When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the LORD” (Exodus 34:29). 

There is an increasing hunger for the presence of God, not only individually but also corporately among His people worldwide. People from all denominations, cultures, and ages are beginning to seek after God’s face. Kim Catherine Marie Kollins has established a 24/7 prayer ministry among the world’s 100 million renewed Catholics called Burning Bush International.  She says:

“Everywhere I turn I seem to hear this same call to prayer being proclaimed—prayer for cities, prayer for nations. Everywhere I look I see writings calling the people of God to intense worship and adoration and intercession. Many new prayer initiatives are being called forth—houses of prayer are springing up, prayer mountains and prayer vigils are being held in response to this prompting of the Holy Spirit. Now is the time, and the trumpet is being sounded to the whole people of God. We are being called to awaken from slumber and be empowered anew by the Holy Spirit. We must become once again passionate adorers of the Lord and powerful instruments of intercession for the Church and the world.” 

Who is Like the Lord?

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International

The Biblical Examples of Prayer

IMG_1230Did you know that the first prayer meeting started in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:8)? The priests in Exodus and Leviticus had to keep the lamps in the temple burning day and night (Leviticus 6:13). They worked in shifts with non-stop prayer, worship, and singing because the fire on the altar was never allowed to go out.

Did you know that Israel began as a nation at a prayer meeting when called to rule as priests after leaving Egypt (Exodus 19:6; Revelation 5:10)? The first project given to Israel was to build a worship sanctuary (House of Prayer, Exodus 25:2). When King David became king over Jerusalem, he established day and night worship (1 Chronicles 15-16).

In the New Testament, we see that Jesus Himself began His public ministry in the wilderness where He fasted and prayed for forty days (Matthew 4), and He ended His life in a prayer meeting in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26). During His time the Essenes, one of the four branches of Judaism, believed in praying for 24 hours. The early Church began in a prayer meeting (Acts 1-2) and will end in a global prayer movement (Isaiah 62:6-7; Luke 18:7-8; and Revelation 5:8; 8:4).

The very end of the age will be a huge battle over two Houses of Prayer—the Holy Spirit’s prayer movement and the antichrist’s end-time worship (Revelation 13:8). In Revelation 4-5 we will worship around God’s Throne in the New Jerusalem (Revelation 4:8). The fact is clear—God’s plan in the Bible was to make intercession central.

And something on a huge scale is presently developing.

The prayer movement is quickly spreading around the world, but it is not without persistent prayer and hard work. As you read about the establishing of Houses of Prayer in cities and see the largeness of the task, you may be tempted to ask yourself several questions:

  • Is 24/7 prayer possible for my city?
  • Has this ever been done before?
  • Can we have faith for such a big venture as day and night prayer
    where we live?
  • What is the value of such intensity in prayer hour after hour and day after day?

These questions are legitimate because we need to really believe in prayer in order to pay the price. It will cost each one of us time and effort. We can’t begin and then quit. We are in this for the long haul. These questions have an answer that should motivate each one of us.

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International

Ways to Apply the Moravian Example

10412023_964163253646782_2435281989214651302_nLet the Moravian example challenge you to rise up higher in prayer than you have ever been before. The following quotes taken from the Moravian prayer movement are ways you can apply this in your prayer meetings.

  • He dedicated the rest of his life to the service of Jesus Christ – Pray that those in your prayer meeting will grow in an intense personal devotional life. Expect God to deepen everyone’s dedication to the point of sacrificial living.
  • The Lord gave the entire community a burning desire to see sinners come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ – Open your heart to those who do not know Christ. Be a witness and shine God’s light outside of the prayer meeting.
  • The Lord gave the entire community a renewed call of the Great Commission, to go into all the world and preach the Gospel – Incorporate times to pray for the lost and for the nations. Be willing to reach out to the lost where you live.
  • This resulted in the greatest concentration of Christian workers being sent out into foreign missions since the first century – Expect that God will call some from your prayer meeting to go to the nations. Be willing to go or to send as God directs.
  • This fueled young Zinzendorf’s fire for evangelism – Expect God to burden those in the prayer meeting for evangelism and for your city. Cry out to God for your city. The Moravians had a burden for the lost.
  • Prayers were answered beyond expectation – Expect God to answer your prayers. Look forward with anticipation for the answer to your united prayer. Expect souls to come to Christ.
  • He was a man of serious devotion, fervent prayer, and was known for his commitment to radical holiness – Expect God to move those in your prayer meeting into radical holiness. There is no room for sin in one who is hungry for holiness. Confess all known sin on a daily basis.
  • In essentials, unity; in nonessentials, liberty; and in all things, love – Let unity and harmony be a high priority in all of your prayer meetings. Do all things in love.
  • In every detail of their livesin business, pleasure, in Christian service, in civil dutiesthey took the Sermon on the Mount as a lamp to their feet – Pray through and live out the Sermon on the Mount lifestyle as a group and individually. Study and read it regularly. Let your life shine for Christ in the marketplace.
  • I have one passion; it is he and he alone – Narrow your life down to a passionate pursuit of Christ.

Is your passion for Christ?

God’s first priority is that we love Him with all of our heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 22:37-38). It’s the First Commandment. It’s a wonderful foundation for all of life. In giving God extravagant devotion, we make a great impact on the world around us. There is sustaining power if we make Him our foundation. It takes time and effort to prioritize our lives towards God and prayer. It goes against the world system.

But it’s dynamic. It’s refreshing. It’s absolutely life transformingand it’s the highest and greatest lifestyle.

Life is becoming very pressurized because of constant change and stress. God wants to teach us to live without fatigue and sweat. There is purity in being devoted to Christ and the devil knows it. He aims to get us off track and confused (2 Corinthians 11:3). But God wants to show us the highest way to live.

Our primary calling is internal. When we are energized by intimacy we will be able to sustain spiritual intensity throughout our life. God is searching throughout the earth to find those whose hearts are loyal to Him (2 Chronicles 16:9). He is searching for those who will pray and intercede.

Are you willing to pay the price to seek Him, not only for yourself, but also for your own city? It’s time to lay the foundations for Houses of Prayer in all the cities throughout the earth. Let’s change the history of His church worldwide. Let’s adopt Zinzendorf’s motto personally and corporately.

“Zinzendorf’s motto, ‘I have one passion; it is He and He alone,’ would fan into a movement that God would use to change the history of His church.” Joe Martin

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International

A House of Prayer for all Nations

10408578_990317387698035_3758716211840138922_n“Prayer is the key to reaching the world with the Gospel of Jesus. The greatest forces of power in the universe are mobilized, and history is made when we pray. God is looking for men who will stand in the gap on behalf of the land.” (Ezekiel 22:30, Isaiah 59:16, 63:5)

It says in Isaiah 56:7, “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” In traveling to many nations, it is evident that there is a rising interest in prayer and worship around the world. God is certainly raising up a worldwide prayer movement which will change the atmosphere of every nation. May we have faith together in the establishment of day and night prayer around the world.

“Isaiah the prophet had a lot to say about this global prayer movement. He described a time when God’s people worldwide will experience unusual grace and authority in prayer. He summarized this by declaring, God will name His Church a ‘house of prayer’. This prophetic naming is in itself a promise of functioning in grace empowered prayer. Imagine naming the Church a ‘praying church’. All over the earth, it will become common to hear of intercessory worship ministries that continue non-stop, 24 hours a day. God has established in the genetic code a passion to reach ‘all nations’. It will result in bringing the outcasts of the earth to Jesus (Isaiah 56:8). These 24-hour-a-day prayer ministries are vital to reaching the cities in the 10/40 window.” Mike Bickle

We need to see the big picture for our city, for our nation and for the world. It appears to me that God is uniting a powerful prayer movement worldwide, and in a supernatural way, He is uniting all of us. As we move from place to place and from one country to another, I sense a connection that is powerful. What God is doing in your area is connected and important to other areas. We desperately need each other. The present task now for each one of us is to connect in unity and prayer in our city. Let us ask for God’s powerful anointing in the foundation laying of each one of these 24/7’s and that they would be built by the spirit of God and function in grace and joy empowered prayer and worship.

A Worldwide Prayer Movement is Emerging

Prayer warriors, you are involved in the greatest ministry on earth. The prayer movement around the world is exploding. Let us pray regarding the following shifts in the prayer movement. Pray that the prayer movement in your city becomes contagious!

  • From private kingdoms to God’s kingdom – The time of private agendas and programs is over. More and more intercessors and prayer leaders are realizing that united prayer is the key to spiritual breakthrough.
  • From prayer lists to spirit-inspired warfare prayers – The Holy Spirit is fresh and creative and He helps us to pray to-the-point under his direction.
  • From individual intercessors to praying churches – God is mobilizing whole churches to pray for their city, town or region. Praying churches have great authority at a city level. When churches pray with other churches there is even greater authority!
  • From old faithfuls to young radicals – God needs both, but he is now raising up young prayer soldiers with the mentality of Joshua, Gideon and David, who will change the spiritual landscape of the world.
  • From programs to living altars – The Holy Spirit is leading Christians into a lifestyle of prayer, a divine partnership of Jesus with his Church, so that the things that have been prepared in heaven will become reality down here.
  • From miscellaneous hits to a prayer saturation strategy – An increasing number of cities and nations are discovering the power of long-term strategy.

“Isaiah also prophesied of a totally new paradigm of prayer characterized by ‘joy’. The Lord promised, ‘I will make you joyful in My house of prayer (Isa. 56:7). The Church will be surprised by joy. In other words, God will fill the Church with enjoyable prayer that is ‘refreshing and invigorating’. Imagine the implications of a paradigm of ‘enjoyable prayer’. The climate within the body of Christ would be different because of deep parternership in prayer with the Eternal Intercessor who is our Bridegroom God. If God is not enjoyable, it will not happen 24 hours a day. Historically, prayer has been hard and thus greatly neglected but new days of refreshing prayer are breaking forth even now.” Mike Bickle

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International
International House of Prayer (IHOPKC)