The Elijah Company, Inc. and Intercessors Arise International is a faith mission. Our policy involves the open publication of financial needs without solicita-tion. We hold to the saying, “God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s provision”. Over twenty years of faith provision personally testifies to this statement.
Gifts given to Elijah Company, Inc. or Intercessors Arise are used for the work of Elijah Company, Inc. or Intercessors Arise International special projects and the advancement of prayer and the Gospel throughout the world. For a list of possible ways of involvement through giving financially, please write to:
If you would like to invest in God’s work through Elijah Company, Inc. or Intercessors Arise International, you may do so by sending a check or money order to the following address:
Elijah Company, Inc., P. O. Box 396, Grandview, MO 64030.
For U.S. tax purposes, tax-deductible receipts are available. ECI is a certified 501(c)(3) non-profitable organization.
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