Training in Houses of Prayer and Wisdom
Discover the treasures of wisdom released through Houses of Prayer. Find guidelines for Houses of Prayer that enables the Church to walk in paths of wisdom and the purposes of God. Receive helpful Scriptures that will enable you to pray effectively over your city. Discover practical wisdom that you can apply in the prayer room.
House of Prayer and Wisdom
- Treasures of Wisdom Released
- Practical Wisdom in the Prayer Room
- Biblical Prayers for Wisdom in Your City
- Developing a Dynamite Prayer Life in the Prayer Room
- Action Plan for Your Prayer Time
- Guidelines for Houses of Prayer
- Creative Approaches
- Counting the Cost
- What to Prayerfully Consider
Wisdom in Prayer Life Application
- How to Practice Wisdom in the Prayer Room
- Taking it into the Prayer Room
- Our Prayer for Wisdom in Developing a House of Prayer
- Verses to Memorize for Wisdom
By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International