God is uniting a powerful prayer movement worldwide. In a supernatural way, He is connecting all of us. He is realigning ministries and people—He is teaching us to celebrate one another’s victories—He is orchestrating strategic shifts and realignments.
It’s important not to resist what God is doing, but eagerly gain new Kingdom alliances. The Kingdom is any sphere of life that actively obeys the will of God (Matthew 6:10). He wants us to have a Kingdom view of people and all of life.
It’s His Kingdom and not ours.
As I move from place to place and from one country to another, I sense a connection that is powerful. What God is doing in your area is connected and important to other cities and nations. We desperately need each other. The present task now for each one of us is to connect in unity and prayer in our city. Let us ask for God’s powerful anointing in the Houses of Prayer in various churches in the city and in the corporate citywide House of Prayer. Pray that each prayer meeting is led by the Holy Spirit, and functions in grace-empowered prayer and worship.
General Robert E. Lee was a career United States Army officer for 32 years and among the most celebrated generals in American history. He is best known for fighting in the American Civil War on behalf of the Confederate Army. General Lee saw that prayer was a mighty weapon in taking back land from the enemy and winning battles. He was one who not only fought for the nation of America, but he also pleaded earnestly that people would pray everywhere. We must likewise fight for our nations on our knees and realize that God’s House of Prayer is for all nations. This is what Robert E. Lee said:
“Knowing that intercessory prayer is our mightiest weapon and the supreme call for all Christians today, I pleadingly urge our people everywhere to pray. Believing that prayer is the greatest contribution that our people can make in this critical hour, I humbly urge that we take time to pray—to really pray. Let there be prayer at sunup, at noonday, at sundown, at midnight—all through the day. Let us all pray for our children, our youth, our aged, our pastors, our homes. Let us pray for our churches. Let us pray for ourselves, that we may not lose the word “concern” out of our Christian vocabulary. Let us pray for our nation. Let us pray for those who have never known Jesus Christ and redeeming love, for moral forces everywhere, for our national leaders. Let prayer be our passion. Let prayer be our practice.”
As you work on building your House of Prayer, it is a good idea to get involved in the larger 24/7 prayer movement. There is strength in unity; knowing that you are part of something worldwide brings tremendous inner strength. When we work together we can share resources, discoveries, testimonies, and so much more than when we work alone and are isolated. We need one another.
If you would like to connect with the wider 24/7 prayer movement around the world, you can connect here at the Nations House of Prayer Equipping Center. There are several other ways you can do this as well. Here are a few:
- Intercessors Arise International – Receive bimonthly motivational prayer training and books on prayer. Join the Intercessors Arise International Network and network with other prayer leaders and ministries.
- International House of Prayer – Listen to 24/7 prayer on the free webstream, and attend prayer conferences, IHOPU, or join an internship where you can grow in prayer and network with others.
- Mike Bickle’s online teaching library – Get free online teaching on various topics relating to prayer and the end times.
- Register your prayer room at: www.24-7prayer.com – Receive useful prayer resources, personalized coaching, and get profiled globally on the 24-7 website.
- Global Day of Prayer – Get the Houses of Prayer in your nation involved in prayer on this day as well as throughout the year.
It’s time for all of us to connect worldwide. Houses of Prayer are springing up in so many nations. With growing excitement and anticipation, let’s rejoice in what God is doing.
By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International