All posts by DebbieLynn

Eighteen Benefits of Fasting in Isaiah 58:6-14

11150790_961648353898272_2235412994775239405_nIs not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelterwhen you see the naked, to clothe them, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood? Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear…”

  • Your light will break forth like the dawn (verse 8).
  • Your healing will quickly appear (verse 8).
  • Your righteousness will go before you (verse 8).
  • The glory of the Lord will be your rear guard (verse 8).
  • You will call and the Lord will answer (verse 9).
  • You will cry for help, and he will say, “Here am I” (verse 9).
  • Your light will arise in the darkness (verse 10).
  • Your night will become like the noonday (verse 10).
  • The Lord will guide you always (verse 11).
  • The Lord will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land (verse 11).
  • The Lord will strengthen your frame (verse 11).
  • You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail (verse 11).
  • Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations (verse 12).
  • You will be called repairer of broken walls (verse 12).
  • You will be a restorer of streets with dwellings (verse 12).
  • You will find your joy in the Lord (verse 14).
  • You will rise on the heights of the land (verse 14).
  • You will feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob (verse 14).

There are some spiritually difficult circumstances where we will only see the breakthrough when prayer is combined with fasting. You may be praying for a lost son or daughter or someone trapped in drugs and alcohol. You may be praying for a breakthrough in a needy nation. Prayer with fasting multiplies your effectiveness.

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International

Benefits in Seeking God’s Face

10399447_964513906945050_1606014413027492981_n-2There are several benefits in seeking God’s face and His presence in the prayer room:

  • We experience personal transformation – We become more and more fascinated with God rather than with the things of this world. We grow in intimacy with Jesus and develop a deep inner life with God.
  • We establish a lifestyle of encountering God in the place of prayer – Our heart connection with Jesus becomes stronger and stronger. We learn what it means to keep our lamp burning like the wise virgins at the midnight hour (Matthew 25:1-13).
  • We find corporate unity – When we are preoccupied with seeking God, our divisions disappear. Our unity empowers our prayers.
  • We find victory in spiritual warfare – The atmosphere is changed in a city through 24/7 prayer. The powers of darkness are forced to retreat, and they lose their hold because the presence of God dwells in the prayer room and over the city.
  • We are trained in the Word as we pray and sing it – Because there is such a focus on singing and praying the Bible, everyone begins to learn God’s truth in a deeper way.
  • We are prepared to reach the lost – There is an ability to receive the heart of God in the prayer room. His passion is for the lost, and he imparts that same passion and ability to reach out to the lost as we leave the prayer room.
  • We realize God’s personal love for us – In the prayer room we can receive the Father’s embrace. We are empowered by God’s love and receive His sufficiency for any battle. Our lives become empowered with God.
  • We become more alive and can work harder for God – When we abide in His love, we work harder than we do when we are just being workers (Romans 6:13). His love gives us strength to work with great zeal.
  • We experience confidence in God – We find that we are not condemned because of sin, but we are righteous in Christ. We realize our spiritual identity based on the finished work of Christ on the cross (2 Corinthians 5:17-21). We realize that we are pleasing to God (John 15:9).

“My heart says of you, ‘Seek his face!’ Your face, LORD, I will seek… I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD” (Psalm27:8, 13-14).

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International

God Radically Changes Us in the Prayer Room

11017668_964162400313534_4613183786382334611_nWhen we stand in the presence of God, He does a radical work within our hearts. He removes the sin in our lives as we sit in His presence. When diagnosed with cancer, I learned about the power of radiation and chemotherapy because these are the primary ways the medical world treats cancer. Thankfully I didn’t have to have either one.

Sin is like cancer. God’s presence is like radiation therapy on the cancer of sin in our lives. The more we are in His presence, the more powerful the radiation of His life and love. We change in His presence because we are exposing ourselves to the eternal forces of His radiating glory. We begin to die to the sin tendencies in our lives, and we begin to live more fully for Him.

Time in God’s presence is powerful.

You most likely won’t realize it at first. A person who is exposed to the radiation of the sun’s rays often does not realize that he is sunburned until later. When you spend time in God’s presence, you may feel you are not accomplishing anything. The enemy may say something like this to you, “You’re just wasting your time. God won’t listen to you.”

But if you continue spending extravagant amounts of time in His presence, you will begin to see His life manifested through yours. It takes time, but everything within you begins to change—your desires, thoughts, actions, interests, and passions.

There is no quicker way to change as in the glory and radiation of God’s presence. I have seen people change right before my eyes as I watch them over time through exposure to God’s presence. We read in 1 Chronicles 16:11 and Psalm 105:4, “Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.” Dr. Timothy John shares a personal testimony about how important 24/7 prayer has been in a small, inner-city church:

“Launching and sustaining a 24-7 prayer room in one of our inner city church properties has probably been the most important thing we have done to date. From inner city youth to suburban “boomers,” each person has profoundly experienced the manifest presence and love of God in their selected hour of prayer in our holy space. Some of our members have actually encountered the Holy Spirit in the parking lot or even on their way to the prayer room. Needless to say, this has resulted in a wonderful spiritual renewal in our midst. Eternity and the heavenly realm are no longer concepts but reality.”

The prayer room is the place to leave the problems of earth behind and listen to the still small voice of God in such a way that inner transformation occurs. It happens individually and corporately. I have seen it in myself and in others. You can’t stand in the presence of God without being changed. Most of us are busy people. You can’t spend time in the prayer room without having it change your prayer life. Prayer becomes a delightful reality.

“One of the great things about a well-led season of 24-7 prayer is that it helps busy people like you and me to live up to our aspirations in prayer. It can even enable non-church-goers to prioritize prayer in their daily lives… 24-7 prayer is able to turn the idea of daily prayer from a guilty “should” into an exciting “could.” Suddenly, a regular hour or more of solitude for personal prayer and Scriptural meditation becomes a delightful reality for people who normally don’t find such things easy—people in ordinary places who desperately need an extraordinary outpouring of prayer and a deeper discovery of the glory of God.” Quotes by Peter Greig and David Blackwell

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International

Places of Encounter with God

11695804_990323194364121_2649432941536911869_n“Prayer rooms are places of direct encounter with God. So much of our faith, if we are not very careful, can be second-hand experience. We listen to talks that tell us what to think. We read books that inspire us with other peoples’ experiences of God. But alone with God in a prayer room, it’s time to get the Bible open for your self, going straight to the source. It’s time to dialogue directly with God face to face without a middleman. In such a context, God often is able to speak to us and touch us in a way that no ministry session could ever achieve.” Peter Greig and David Blackwell

Isn’t a face-to-face encounter with God something you long for and desire? When I was in Germany, I was involved in teaching a course for God’s people who were working in different countries around the world. The course was called “Face to Face.” The goal of the course was to help bring individuals into a face-to-face relationship with God and also with one another.

The prayer room is the place of face-to-face encounter with God. I can’t think of a better description of the 24/7 prayer movement. The prayer room is the place to access the heavenly realm and hear from God. In the prayer room God purifies our life. As we spend time in prayer, we carry the very presence of God out with us into the world. Our faces can shine with the presence of God.

Moses is a good example of a Biblical character that sought the face of God. We read about his encounter with God in Exodus 33:11a: “The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend.” When he came down from the presence of God, His face actually shone with the glory of God.

“When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the LORD” (Exodus 34:29). 

There is an increasing hunger for the presence of God, not only individually but also corporately among His people worldwide. People from all denominations, cultures, and ages are beginning to seek after God’s face. Kim Catherine Marie Kollins has established a 24/7 prayer ministry among the world’s 100 million renewed Catholics called Burning Bush International.  She says:

“Everywhere I turn I seem to hear this same call to prayer being proclaimed—prayer for cities, prayer for nations. Everywhere I look I see writings calling the people of God to intense worship and adoration and intercession. Many new prayer initiatives are being called forth—houses of prayer are springing up, prayer mountains and prayer vigils are being held in response to this prompting of the Holy Spirit. Now is the time, and the trumpet is being sounded to the whole people of God. We are being called to awaken from slumber and be empowered anew by the Holy Spirit. We must become once again passionate adorers of the Lord and powerful instruments of intercession for the Church and the world.” 

Who is Like the Lord?

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International

Foundations – Taking it into the Prayer Room

11214175_994912990571808_8937265606468922024_nMeet weekly for persistent prayer. If you can’t meet weekly, meet as regularly as you can. It could be in a church, home, or in a designated place in your city. Decide on the amount of time you will pray and be consistent.

Give sufficient time for worship and thanksgiving because this will bring you into the presence of God. Thank God for what He is going to do, and then thoroughly pray for a House of Prayer in your city and for increased prayer in your church. Let the Holy Spirit guide you in your prayers. Have someone write down what has been emphasized in your prayers, specific burdens, and Scriptures prayed. You will be amazed at the insight the Lord has given you in prayer.

How to Build a Foundation for a House of Prayer

DSC00031 (1)Building Foundations Life Application

Whether you are a forerunner leading the way, a support person, or just beginning to learn about Houses of Prayer, this assignment will help you to start moving into the prayer arena in your community. As you think about a House of Prayer in your city, begin by doing the following:

  • Develop your personal prayer life by learning to pray the Bible regularly – Practice praying Scriptures in your own prayer times with the Lord. Begin incorporating Paul’s apostolic prayers into your prayer times.
  • Pray that a House of Prayer would start in your city and that pray increases in your church – Pray persistently for God to raise up those who will begin to pray for 24/7 prayer.
  • Make a list of like-minded people in your church and city who have a heart for prayer – Begin to pray through your list, asking God to give them the same vision.
  • Partner with others with the same vision for Houses of Prayer – Get together to strategically talk about how to start a House of Prayer in your city. Try to include individuals from different churches, or you may want to start by seeing more prayer in your own church. Partner with those in your church who have a vision for prayer, and talk about how to see it grow.
  • Discuss the “How to Lay a Strong Foundation” keys – Talk over these points together as a group, asking God for His wisdom as you lay the foundations. Brainstorm together as a group, adding other like-minded people in your church and city to your list of contacts. End with praying “A Prayer for Foundational Strength.”

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International

How to Lay a Strong Foundation

11264013_963028303760277_6266662734616935759_nKeep in mind that persistent prayer will pay off as you lay the foundations of a House of Prayer in your city. You will move forward by God’s grace because it’s His ability, not yours. Notice these important keys to laying a strong foundation.

  • You must be willing to dig deep – Remember we must dig a big hole first in order to build the foundation. This is not a superficial undertaking. You must believe in the power of prayer and be strong in prayer yourself. Develop a strong personal relationship with God. Strengthen your personal devotional life and love for God.
  • Partner with others – Look for others who have the same vision in your city, and partner with other prayer ministries in your area. God will give you a core group of dedicated and like-minded people.
  • Cast the vision for day and night prayer – Do this week after week. People need encouragement. Use the teachings on this website and on the Intercessors Arise website or books to teach others about prayer and Houses of Prayer. The Intercessors Arise books all have applications at the end of each chapter to study personally or in group settings.
  • Realize that there is an incubation stage – In this stage many in the area either have or are getting the vision, and there are many prayer meetings in the city in various churches. This stage may last for some time.
  • Develop your personal prayer life through learning to pray the Scriptures – Practice praying Scriptures in your own devotional time with the Lord.
  • Develop some corporate prayer meetings in local churches. Unity is essential and adds power to the prayer meeting – Also try combining worship and prayer together throughout some of the prayer meeting. This is called “harp and bowl”.
  • Have realistic expectations – Start small with a few prayer meetings in your church or in your city. Realize the value of a slow beginning. Strategize carefully and incorporate existing prayer activities. Understand the pressure people face in your society. Don’t be critical, but make it easy for others to join in prayer at their own pace.
  • Understand the establishing stage – This relates to the Church in the city or region and is not just one church. There is a need for a unified vision with unified values. Pursue the value of unity in the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:3, 13; Colossians 3:14).
  • Realize that faithfulness and a marathon pace are essential – God is not looking for quick starts but for steady faithfulness over time. Keep it simple. Basically you are praying and calling people to pray. God’s strategies are not complex, but they do require faithfulness (Galatians 5:22; Psalm 18:25; Romans 12:12).
  • Know that Jesus is in charge – The House of Prayer will prevail because Jesus is the leader and the eternal intercessor for He rules as King in his high priestly ministry of intercession (Hebrews 7:25; Isaiah 53:12).
  • Go forward in faith and with God’s peace ruling your heart – Know that day and night prayer is God’s desire. He will bless and sustain it. To be a House of Prayer is not a challenge but a Biblical command (Matthew 21:13).

A stonecutter may hammer away at a rock for a hundred times without seeing even a crack showing. Yet it may be the 101st blow that splits the rock apart. It is not the one blow that will lay a strong foundation, but it is the consistent hammering in prayer with a steadfast vision that will do it. God will give you and others that burning, driving vision to go deep with the foundations. He will enable you to pursue the deeper life and the lifestyle of abandonment to Him and His vision for your city.

Laying the foundation will take a long time. Keep the peace of God ruling in your heart. Day and night prayer is God’s desire, and He will bless and sustain it with His power. Trust Him to build a strong foundation. Establishing day and night prayer is the most exalted occupation to those nearest His throne in heaven (Revelation 4:8). Set your heart to persist regardless of difficulties. God desires to find a resting place.

Let’s advance with faith and a determination to work. Let’s keep the vigorous, steady glow of prayer burning.

“Praying that influences God is said to be the outpouring of the fervent, effectual righteous man. It is prayer on fire. It does not have a feeble, flickering flame or a momentary flash, but shines with a vigorous, steady glow.” Joe Martin

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International

An Architect’s Mindset

11226567_964511230278651_6881985017139642886_nTo begin laying this great foundation in our cities for prayer, we need to have an architect’s mindset. Like an architect, we need to see the big picture. So often we are over-whelmed as we think only of our own personal problems or what our own church is facing, but we need to begin to see our entire city through the eyes of God. We need to have a vision that is persistent. Seeing life from God’s point of view changes everything. Our own problems become small in light of the needs of our city.

An architect can see a big, beautiful building even as he sees nothing tangible in front of him. He knows there is much work ahead for the workers in order to dig deep, and they must be willing to pay the price of hard foundational work. We also need to dig a deep foundation because we are building something of great significance and stature. We must be steadfast in prayer as we begin. Mike Bickle, founder of the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, says the following:

“The first key is to be steadfast in prayer regarding a House of Prayer and to have an architect’s mindset. The architect’s mindset sees the big picture. To work with others to build a house of prayer, we must all think on the big picture. The more I understand the big picture, the more sense of responsibility I feel about getting the foundation right. What are we doing today that will impact tomorrow? I remind our staff that a building site starts with digging a large hole to build the foundation.”

It takes time and patience to build a solid foundation for day and night prayer. It takes great persistence in prayer. It can start with a couple two-hour segments with a committed group of people made up of worshippers and intercessors who will be faithful and steadfast. It may start with a one-month or one-week House of Prayer. Or it could start with increased prayer in your own church and your own life. We must pray that the foundation will be laid properly. We must have the persistence and steadfast heart to see a House of Prayer started in our church or city. We won’t see it with a microwave mentality, but God is looking for long-term faithfulness and persistence.

There are many examples of those who have stood the test of persistence. One was the American astronomer Clyde Tombaugh who discovered the planet Pluto. Astronomers calculated its’ probable orbit, but being only a “suspected” heavenly body, it wasn’t even tangible. Tombaugh took up this challenge in March of 1929. Time magazine recorded the investigation: It was the most dramatic astronomic discovery in nearly one hundred years.

He examined scores of telescopic photographs each showing tens of thousands of star images in pairs under the dual microscope. It often took three days to scan a single pair. It was exhausting, eye-cracking work—in his own words, “brutal, tediousness.” And it went on for months. Star by star, he examined 20 million images. Then on February 18, 1930, as he was blinking at a pair of photographs in the constellation Gemini, “I suddenly came upon the image of Pluto!”

You may not be trying to discover a planet, but you are attempting something that is challenging and may be exhausting at times. But it will be worth the effort. Astronomer Clyde Tombaugh saw Pluto with the eyes of faith, and you are beginning to see the possibilities of prayer in your city through the eyes of God. The day of smallness has great significance in God’s sight (Haggai 1-2; Zechariah 3-4). Every House of Prayer will start small, but we can’t despise the day of small beginnings. We read in Zechariah 4:10: “Who despises the day of small things?”

Realize that the starting of every House of Prayer is a dramatic accomplishment in God’s eyes. It will change the face of your city. Increasing prayer in your church is also big in God’s eyes. Right now you may be looking at starting 24/7 prayer in your city, but think about your church as well. Scale it down to size and adapt this to your church even as you consider your city.

Think and pray with the eyes of faith of how to begin to lay a strong foundation.

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International

World Missions was the Focus of the Moravians

The Apostolic Prayers of PaulThe group of men and women Count Zinzendorf led in this hundred-year prayer meeting were called the Moravians. The Moravians followed his example in living a holy and loving life.

“In every detail of their lives—in business, pleasure, in Christian service, in civil duties—they took the Sermon on the Mount as a lamp to their feet.'”

Their powerful motto was:

“In essentials, unity; in nonessentials, liberty; and in all things, love.” Pitts Evans

Their testimony has spread all around the world but it began during one Communion service. This is what happened:

“The Holy Spirit fell on the group as on the day of Pentecost. Hearts were radically changed, and prayers were answered beyond expectations. Many more villagers began to set aside time for earnest prayer. Soon, prayer was going on 24 hours a day. Even the children organized prayer circles. This wave of prayer did not cease for a hundred years. So transformed was the village that John Wesley, visiting in 1738, called it the happiest place on earth!” Pitts Evans

The focus of the Moravians at the Herrnhut prayer meeting soon became world missions. Shortly after this hundred-year prayer meeting started, Count Zinzendorf felt strongly that they were to spread the Gospel of Jesus to the unreached people around the world. The focus of fervent prayer became world missions. This became known as the Moravian mission movement. They all felt the call of the Great Commission. Within twenty years, the Moravians sent out more missionaries than all Protestants in the previous two hundred years.

“Moravians quickly spread out all over the known world, propelled by that incredible prayer meeting, preaching the gospel of the community… When a clergyman named John Wesley encountered the joyful witness of Moravian missionaries on a transatlantic ship in a storm, he headed off to Herrnhut straightaway for discipleship from Zinzendorf.” Peter Greig and David Blackwell

Martin Luther had tried to turn his training institutions toward world missions, but it wasn’t until he got involved in Zinzendorf’s 24/7 prayer meetings that the greatest missionary movement came forth from his generation. Three thousand missionaries went to the ends of the earth during the next two hundred years.

The continuous prayer meeting that God is presently initiating around the world will have the same focus. This is the season of harvest in every nation of the world. As we pray we will receive the heart of God for the nations. We will receive the burden of the Great Commission and the anointing to reach our neighbors. We will no longer be able to contain or restrain the empowering and convicting force of the Holy Spirit. This is where we are now headed.

In the prayer movement, we are beginning to move into more prayer for the nations and for the lost. In a recent early Sunday prayer meeting at our church almost every prayer was concentrating on the lost. As we were praying Scripture, there was a harmonious direction in prayer towards the harvest and towards lost souls. God is directing our intercession. His heart is towards the lost and the nations. This prayer meeting was very powerful, and I believe it is because God is saying something.

He seems to be showing us that it is time for all of us to open our eyes and look onto the fields for they are ripe for harvest (John 4:35). He is beginning to focus us onto the lost just as he did with the Moravian prayer movement.

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International

The Biblical Examples of Prayer

IMG_1230Did you know that the first prayer meeting started in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:8)? The priests in Exodus and Leviticus had to keep the lamps in the temple burning day and night (Leviticus 6:13). They worked in shifts with non-stop prayer, worship, and singing because the fire on the altar was never allowed to go out.

Did you know that Israel began as a nation at a prayer meeting when called to rule as priests after leaving Egypt (Exodus 19:6; Revelation 5:10)? The first project given to Israel was to build a worship sanctuary (House of Prayer, Exodus 25:2). When King David became king over Jerusalem, he established day and night worship (1 Chronicles 15-16).

In the New Testament, we see that Jesus Himself began His public ministry in the wilderness where He fasted and prayed for forty days (Matthew 4), and He ended His life in a prayer meeting in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26). During His time the Essenes, one of the four branches of Judaism, believed in praying for 24 hours. The early Church began in a prayer meeting (Acts 1-2) and will end in a global prayer movement (Isaiah 62:6-7; Luke 18:7-8; and Revelation 5:8; 8:4).

The very end of the age will be a huge battle over two Houses of Prayer—the Holy Spirit’s prayer movement and the antichrist’s end-time worship (Revelation 13:8). In Revelation 4-5 we will worship around God’s Throne in the New Jerusalem (Revelation 4:8). The fact is clear—God’s plan in the Bible was to make intercession central.

And something on a huge scale is presently developing.

The prayer movement is quickly spreading around the world, but it is not without persistent prayer and hard work. As you read about the establishing of Houses of Prayer in cities and see the largeness of the task, you may be tempted to ask yourself several questions:

  • Is 24/7 prayer possible for my city?
  • Has this ever been done before?
  • Can we have faith for such a big venture as day and night prayer
    where we live?
  • What is the value of such intensity in prayer hour after hour and day after day?

These questions are legitimate because we need to really believe in prayer in order to pay the price. It will cost each one of us time and effort. We can’t begin and then quit. We are in this for the long haul. These questions have an answer that should motivate each one of us.

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International