Tag Archives: heartfelt action

Our Prayer for Heartfelt Action in Our City

10442923_964567430273031_565179192230379316_nDear Lord, help our prayers to lead us to heartfelt action. We want to be transformed into fervent lovers who reach out to the needy and lost in our city. Anoint us to preach good news to the poor, to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives, and release from darkness for the prisoners (Isaiah 61:1). Help us to abide in you daily (John 15). We want to bear much fruit (John 15:16-17). Teach us enjoyable prayer. We want to always delight and find joy in the prayer room. We want to bring that joy into the streets and into our work places. Show us how to take action in our city and bring forth abundant fruit in Your name. This month we choose to show heartfelt action in our city. [Name what you will do to reach out to your city.] Fill us with Your compassion and love for our city.

Teach us to worship You even in the midst of difficulty, just like Paul and Silas did in prison. Demonstrate Your supernatural power through our lives every day, and bring us into the place of abundance. Change the atmosphere of our city through our prayers. Help us to guard our city as watchmen. Our city belongs to You. [Name your city.] Teach us to continually cover it with praise and worship. Give us insight into how to pray for our city and how to take action as we wait on You. Teach us the secret of travailing prayer.

Give us great faith for revival for our city. We will pray until Your deliverance comes. We choose to give ourselves no rest (Isaiah 62:6-7). We praise You for You are mighty and powerful, and You can do all things. We praise You for what You are going to do in our city as we pray and reach out to the lost. Thank You that we will bear much fruit for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Verses to Memorize

“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples” (John 15:7-8).

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International

How to Turn Your Prayers into Action

11214163_990325321030575_6399602475697441857_nHeartfelt Action Life Application

As you think about enjoyable prayer, abundant fruit, heartfelt action, and watchful prayer, begin to imagine the power of heartfelt action when 24/7 prayer is active in your city. Then answer the following questions:

  • As you pray, are there times you have felt the heart of God for those you were praying for? – Explain a time when your prayers led to heartfelt and fruitful action? What did you do?
  • Enjoyable Prayer + Abiding in Christ = Abundant Fruit – Write a paragraph about this in your own words. Use John 15:4-5,
    7-8, and 16-17 in your answer.
  • In what way does evangelism and joyful intercession stimulate one another? – Explain your answer using a personal example if possible.
  • Study the example of Paul and Silas in Acts 16:16-40 – How did they experience the supernatural power and fruitfulness of God right in those dark prison chambers?
  • How can you take action by being a watchman for your city? – Through day and night prayer we can build boundaries of protection around our cities. In what areas does your city need boundaries of protection through prayer? How will you personally take action in your city after you pray?
  • Evaluate your prayers individually and corporately as you look at the following ways to bring intercession into your city – Explain each answer, and consider the areas where you feel weak.- Do you cover your city regularly with praise and worship?
    – Do you wait on God for insight into how to pray and reach your city?
    – What insight has God already given you for your city?
    – Do you identify in prayer for the sins of your city? How?
    – Do you overcome evil with good by coming in the opposite spirit? Give some examples of action steps you have taken.
    – Do you ever travail or pray strong heartfelt prayers for your city? Explain.
    – How can your prayers lead to action? What steps can you take personally in reaching your city this month?

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International

A Heart for the Lost

cropped-11295696_968829226513518_6763007680125419221_n1.jpgThere is power in prayer and the heart of God is released in the prayer room. I had just experienced a tremendous prayer meeting for Israel right in the middle of the day. I hated to leave—the presence of God was so strong. But I knew that I had to work and run some errands, and so I hesitantly left.

I felt excitement and joy as I walked out of that prayer room.

Immediately after leaving, I drove to the post office in my city. The post office is not my favorite place to go because it takes time, especially when I have many things to do. It was right before Christmas—the worst time to wait in line—and I had to mail a package. So I anticipated a boring, long, and tedious wait. Sure enough the parking lot was full.

But when I walked in, my heart suddenly had a new agenda. LOST people were all around me. And there I was standing in line with nothing to do (or did God have something eternal in mine?). I looked at those people in line. Perhaps in a small way God had called me to bring the reality of heaven on earth. I looked, I prayed, and I began to share with the woman in front of me. I discovered that the lady behind me was a Christian, and the lady in front of the one I was witnessing to was one as well.

It turned out to be a glorious experience where others heard about Jesus, and Christians were encouraged in their faith—including me. The very powerful presence of God had gone with me from the prayer room. And it had all started in a prayer meeting.

Let’s let our prayers lead to heartfelt action. Make sure your House of Prayer focuses at times on outreach and praying for the lost. One youth pastor in Spain was amazed at what happened to his young people in the prayer room:

“For years I’ve been trying to get my young people to have a heart for the lost and a desire to pray. Last night I found eight of them on their faces in the prayer room at two A.M. weeping for their non-Christian friends. What’s happening?” Peter Greig and David Blackwell

In God’s presence we change as God gives us His heart for the lost. As we leave the prayer room, the presence of God goes with us and flows through our lives to all those with whom we come into contact.

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International