Tag Archives: God’s Kingdom

Welcome God into Your City

11742786_990324097697364_5179692257734964616_nAs I traveled from nation to nation on the Doulos, upon arrival in a new country we would often have a great welcome from the people of that city. In New Zealand we experienced a special dance from the Maori Indians. It was quite impressive, and one I will never forget. At the end of that unique tribal dance, the staff and crew of our ship received a beautiful lei of flowers around their neck and the Maori greeting of rubbing noses. It was quite a cultural experience for many of us.

In other countries we had special greetings unique to each culture—everything from other cultural dances, gifts, songs, and banners—that were a beautiful welcome for the ship into their unique city. It made all of us on board feel very welcome in that country and city. It made us deeply desire to stay there and interact with the people.

Perhaps God feels the same way.

When He sees His people eagerly pray for His presence, and welcome Him into their city day and night in prayer, He is delighted and wants to invade that city with His presence. When He sees your desperate cry for His presence, He feels like a welcomed and longed-for guest. He wants to make your city His home.

Begin now to prepare the way for God’s Kingdom and presence in your city. Start with increasing your prayer life, and find a few others who have a vision for transformation in your city. Get together regularly; God will lead you and add others to your prayer meetings. Transformation will occur in your lives, and you will become consumed with a hunger for God’s presence. The Lord will hear your cry for your city, and God will begin to move in your midst.

Early in our month of 24/7 prayer in Spain, God made his presence known to us in a very special way. There was no rain outside; it was completely dry. As I was having my prayer time early in the morning, I suddenly looked out the window and there in the sky surrounding the House of Prayer was a bright rainbow. It was as if God was speaking to me and saying:

“My desire is for citywide, united prayer, and I love your House of Prayer. Keep it up for I shall surely come with my presenceI have heard your cry.”

It is time that we change our lifestyles and become desperate for God and His ways. We must be willing put God first. It is time that we welcome His Kingdom into our neighborhoods, our cities, and our nations.

“To be desperate means to be without hope in your current condition and to know that in your own power you don’t have the necessary resources required to change it. People who are desperate become determined to find help, often taking great risks to meet their desperate need. In the communities where transforming revival has occurred, the people of God were desperate enough to change their lifestyle and their priorities and to commit their time and resources, making everything secondary to the desperate pursuit of God in their midst. They cried out in desperation, and the Lord heard their cry.” Rhonda Hughey

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International

How to Prepare the Way for God’s Kingdom in Your City

11377238_964162836980157_3468827230354932630_nGod’s Kingdom Life Application

We studied about how a Kingdom vision is ignited through Houses of Prayer, and how to prepare the prayer room and the way for God’s presence. Begin the initial steps in the process of conducting a one-week or one-month House of Prayer. Review carefully before starting, and then answer the following questions:

  • Where is your city or your church as to the possibility of a one-month or one-week House of Prayer? – Evaluate the positives and the negatives in your city or church. What are the obstacles that need to be overcome?
  • How can you personally participate in seeing a one-month House of Prayer started? – Think about how God would want you to be involved (i.e. prayer room decorating, praying, motivating others, gathering a team to plan, and so forth). Write down your ideas regarding your level of involvement, and be willing to share them with others.
  • Evaluate the points carefully – Prayerfully write down anything God may lay on your heart regarding a one-month House of Prayer in your city, or even a one-week House of Prayer in your church. If one week is too much, what about one weekend?
  • Meet with others who may have a desire for a one-month or one-week House of Prayer in your city – Brainstorm and write down the names of any others in your city who may be interested. Purchase a diary or notebook, and have someone write down your ideas as a group. Give a copy to each group member, and prayerfully decide on a date. Have each group member write down ideas, Scriptures, and what they feel God is saying during the week.
  • Study about Houses of Prayer on a regular basis – There are several online resources in addition to this website. Also see the IHOPKC and Intercessors Arise websites.

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International