God’s Kingdom Life Application
We studied about how a Kingdom vision is ignited through Houses of Prayer, and how to prepare the prayer room and the way for God’s presence. Begin the initial steps in the process of conducting a one-week or one-month House of Prayer. Review carefully before starting, and then answer the following questions:
- Where is your city or your church as to the possibility of a one-month or one-week House of Prayer? – Evaluate the positives and the negatives in your city or church. What are the obstacles that need to be overcome?
- How can you personally participate in seeing a one-month House of Prayer started? – Think about how God would want you to be involved (i.e. prayer room decorating, praying, motivating others, gathering a team to plan, and so forth). Write down your ideas regarding your level of involvement, and be willing to share them with others.
- Evaluate the points carefully – Prayerfully write down anything God may lay on your heart regarding a one-month House of Prayer in your city, or even a one-week House of Prayer in your church. If one week is too much, what about one weekend?
- Meet with others who may have a desire for a one-month or one-week House of Prayer in your city – Brainstorm and write down the names of any others in your city who may be interested. Purchase a diary or notebook, and have someone write down your ideas as a group. Give a copy to each group member, and prayerfully decide on a date. Have each group member write down ideas, Scriptures, and what they feel God is saying during the week.
- Study about Houses of Prayer on a regular basis – There are several online resources in addition to this website. Also see the IHOPKC and Intercessors Arise websites.
By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International