Tag Archives: authority

How to Pray for Your City

The Incredible Power of United Intercession“Your city is God’s city. The people are made in His image. Satan is an invader and a usurper operating in our territory. God did not give demons authority over your city. Demons have infested the earth’s atmosphere since before the creation of mankind, but they can only extend their authority into a town or an institution when people sin. When you look into the history of your city, you will find clues as to what is oppressing the people today. This is our planet, and the only authority Satan has is stolen human authority.” John Dawson

In the above quote, John Dawson emphasizes the fact that this is our planet and that your city belongs to God. The following are some ways you can bring authoritative intercession for your city into your House of Prayer:

  • Cover your city with continuous praise and worship – God gives you His heart for your city through worship and, therefore, a positive attitude is important. Instead of complaining and reacting toward the sin in your city, praise God for the good things. Satan is already an accuser, so praising God and declaring by faith the eternal purpose and dream of God over your city brings in His presence and defeats the enemy.
  • Wait on the Lord for insight – Don’t depend on your own wisdom, but listen to God with childlike dependence. God will open your eyes as to what He wants to do in your city when you set aside your own agenda and wait upon Him. The Lord will give you His strategies for reaching your city.
  • Identify with the sins of the city – We can all identify with the roots of any sin in our city. The potential is in each one of us. We need to identify in personal and corporate repentance. Nehemiah identified with the sins in his city and prayed, “I confess the sins we Israelites, including myself and my father’s family, have committed against you” (Nehemiah 1:6-7).
  • Overcome evil with good – Come in the opposite spirit. If there is a lot of violence, demonstrate the spirit of peace. If your city is full of greed, demonstrate generosity. If there is hate, live a life of love. This will give you great victory in your city.
  • Travail over your city – Just as a pregnant woman travails to give birth to a child, you birth God’s dream in your city through travail (John 16:21). You must pray until something happens; this takes dedication and perseverance. This has everything to do with faith for your city and revival. The Apostle Paul is a good example
    (2 Corinthians 11:27-28).

“The level of a spiritual victory for your city is directly affected by two spiritual conditions: the intensity of your desire and the size of your faith. God wants to see if you want the minimum or the maximum. Do you want institutional survival—or citywide revival?” John Dawson

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International

Praying God’s Promises Out Loud

11738026_990325144363926_1438943792802855249_nThe Word of God contains many promises about the circumstances and situations we face. Reading, proclaiming, declaring, and meditating on these promises found throughout Scripture will increase your faith. Faith comes from hearing the Word (Romans 10:17). We actually pray the Holy Spirit’s inspired words back to God. He is faithful to His Word. His promises are consistent with His character.

You will be able to pray with wisdom and authority as you pray God’s promises. Here are some from the New Testament, but I have heard that there are as many promises in Scriptures as there are days in the year!

  • Luke 3:16 – Promise to baptize us with the fullness of the Holy Spirit and God’s fire.
  • Luke 24:49 – Father’s promise to cloth the church with power from on high. See also Luke 11:13.
  • Acts 1:8 Promise to receive power through encounters with the Holy Spirit and to be witnesses, even to the ends of the earth.
  • Acts 2:17-21 – Promise to pour out the Spirit that all may prophesy and see visions in the last days.
  • John 14:12 – Promise that those who have faith in Jesus will do even greater works than those of Jesus because He goes to the Father.
  • John 14:13-14 – Promise of answered prayer when asked in Jesus’ name so that He may bring glory to the Father.
  • John 14:27 – Promise of peace and encouragement so as not to be afraid or troubled.
  • Matthew 10:1, 8 – Promise of having authority to heal the sick and cast out demons. See also Mark 16:17; Luke 10:19; and
    1 John 3:8.
  • Ephesians 6:11-18 – Promise for the ability to stand against the devil’s schemes and his flaming arrows.

As we pray God’s promises out loud, we begin to understand God’s plans and agenda. Our desires fall in line with His. In his book, Bridal Intercession, Gary Wiens stresses how praying the Biblical prayers help us come into agreement with the Spirit of God and other believers. He says:

“As a result of praying these biblical prayers, we find it increasingly easy to come in agreement with the Spirit of God concerning His nature and His agenda. We begin to desire what He desires, confident in His ability to bring it all to pass. Also, as we pray the prayers of the Scriptures, we find it easy to come to unity and agreement with other believers. We are not praying for our own agenda or the success of our own programs. We are not praying for our political convictions to be established as the norm. Rather, we are focused on the establishment of His rule and reign, and that is an agenda with which all believers are in agreement.” Gary Wiens

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International