Tag Archives: tabernacle

The Heart of David

11214163_990325321030575_6399602475697441857_nKing David was a  Bible character that adored God. He was one who sought God’s face continually. He was a man after God’s own heart
(1 Samuel 13:14) and a student of God’s emotions, who continually worshipped Him all His life. He committed himself to obeying the commands of God.

David’s primary occupation was to seek God’s beauty (Psalm 27:4). He knew the love of God in good times and bad. God was with David when he adored Him out in the fields as a shepherd boy. And God was with him as he adored Him while ruling as King. Even while being pursued by Saul, while hiding in damp dark caves, David experienced the love and strength of God. David, as shepherd and king, knew how to pray and strengthened himself in God (1Samuel 30:8).

The highest and chief goal in David’s life was to know God.

He dedicated his life to finding a resting place for God on earth
(Psalm 133:1-8). He sought the Lord with his time, talents, and treasures. He spent time in God’s House fasting and worshiping Him continually. He prioritized seeking God even as a military leader. He prioritized seeking God as a shepherd when nobody was watching. When he was young and when he was old, he sought after God. Whether he was in victory or in depression, David set His heart on God’s beauty.

After becoming King, David set up a worship tabernacle in Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6). He had a revelation of worship according to God’s order in his heavenly sanctuary. He then prepared a place for the Ark of God and set it in the Tabernacle of David (1 Chronicles 15-16:1). He established Levites to worship before the Ark. During David’s lifetime, he raised up four thousand paid musicians and 288 paid singers to worship in God’s house (1 Chronicles 23:5; 25:7).

God has promised to restore David’s Tabernacle in the future. This speaks of Jesus’ Millennial government over all nations based on 24/7 Davidic worship and intercession (Amos 9:11). Now is the time when God’s end-time Church will have a vision to restore worship and prayer as David commanded, and will rise up to do this all across the earth. Adoring God was David’s main ambition. He was on a lifelong treasure hunt to discover the beauty of the Lord.

God wants to pour out His love within our hearts as well. He wants us to love Him wholeheartedly as David did. If this is not the case, we are out of alignment with what we were created for. This can bring great emotional fatigue and feelings of hopelessness. God wants to fill us with hope that nothing can destroy in all the situations we face in life. Read 1 John 2:5; 4:12; and 17-18. Romans 5:2b, 5 says:

“And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God… And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.”

  • Is the secret of our life loving and adoring God?
  • Are we a people after one thing—God Himself and His glory?
  • Is knowing God intimately the preoccupation of our life and our highest ambition?

We need to tap into our power source. We need to find our identity in intimacy with Christ. Refreshment in God’s love helps us to stand firm. Mike Bickle prays the following:

“Father, I ask to be supernaturally empowered to give a witness of the glory of the Man, Christ Jesus and of His delivering power from all the oppressions of Satan so that many unredeemed people might be made whole and then passionately filled with our perfected love for your beloved Son and His dear church.”

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International