Tag Archives: 24/7 prayer

Learning from the Prayer Life of Paul

10424982_990322624364178_6179276182297945790_nWe can learn from the prayer life of the Apostle Paul. He thoroughly enjoyed praise and worship wherever he was. He knew how to abide in the Lord even in the hardest of circum-stances, and his life was abundantly fruitful. Let me give you an outstanding example that shows how deeply the Apostle Paul and Silas knew the secret of joyful prayer. You will find the story in Acts 16:16-40.

Although these two men were stripped, beaten, and thrown into prison, they practiced prayer and worship right in that prison cell. It certainly sounds like they were experienced in 24/7 prayer. Imagine if it was you in prison. The darkness must have been overwhelming. Wouldn’t you be worried about your life or your family? Wouldn’t you wonder where your next meal was coming from or if you’d ever get any sleep? Not Paul and Silas. Having been severely flogged and tortured with probably every bone and muscle in their body aching, they practiced enjoyable prayer. We read in Acts 16:25-26:

“About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everybody’s chains came loose.”

Through prayer and worship in an incredibly difficult situation, they experienced the supernatural power and fruitfulness of God right in those dark prison chambers. They prayed heaven down and the salvation of God came into that place in mighty power. The prison actually shook! The trembling and frightened jailer asked, “What must I do to be saved?”

He and his family were saved, baptized, and filled with joy. Paul and Silas were enjoying the presence of God in a place of utter darkness. They were practicing prayer during the night watch. How we need to do the same.

Are you experiencing a hard time? Do you feel you are facing a dark situation?  

Enjoyable prayer (praise, worship, and thanksgiving) can turn your sadness into joy. You, too, can experience the supernatural power of God. Enjoyable prayer brings us into the place of abundance. We can only imagine how many of those other prisoners were saved that night through the example of these two men. We all need to learn from their example. Our cities, and even nations, can be transformed as we practice enjoyable prayer.

When I wrote this I was enjoying the beauty of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia. I remember looking out my window at the beautiful mountains decorated with colorful fall trees of bright reds, yellows, and oranges mixed in between all the green. The tapestry of colors was outstanding and rather breathtaking to say the least. Our friends sent us there to spend a week in this gorgeous fall scenery. What a place to write!

The colors and majestic beauty of the trees against the mountains reminded me of enjoyable prayer and abundant fruit. You couldn’t help but feel the joy as you looked out the window or drove along Skyline Drive. Breathtaking overlooks, majestic ridges, and wonderful walking paths reminded me of enjoyable prayer.

It’s always unique what God does in the prayer room. He brings us in prayer to breathtaking overlooks and through colorful prayer patterns as we pray and worship. Our praise is like those colorful dancing leaves blowing in the wind. He brings us into deep caverns of silent prayer as well as powerful mountaintops of faith-filled declarations of His truth. And the view from His perspective far exceeds what we can even imagine. When we come down from this glorious scenic encounter with God into the world where we live and work, we bring His glory and His abiding presence with us. This is truly enjoyable and leads to abundant fruit.

Take advantage of worship and prayer CDs that help bring you higher in the realm of prayer and intercession. It is definitely a way to enter into enjoyable prayer. Recently, I was sitting outside praying and worshipping with a CD that was intercession and worship for the nations. It was definitely enjoyable prayer.

There are so many ways to enhance prayer. You can make prayer enjoyable by using worship music, playing a guitar or other instrument as you pray, or playing light background or soaking music.

Enjoyable prayer is not just for a select fewit’s for everyone!

“The Lord will release enjoyable prayer to His church. The only type of prayer that will continue night and day is enjoyable prayer. Anointed enjoyable prayer is for everyone.” Mike Bickle

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International