“God’s kingdom, when it comes, probably won’t arrive in the way we expect or even want it to. But viewing history with the eyes of faith, through the grid of past prayer movements, we can easily see the correlation between seasons of intercession and the extension of God’s kingdom in the world.” Peter Greig and David Blackwell
What will your city look like when it has a Kingdom vision and focus? How will it be different than it is right now? Notice the abundant prosperity that God brings to the city in Jeremiah 33:9:
“Then this city will bring me renown, joy, praise and honor before all nations on earth that hear of all the good things I do for it; and they will be in awe and will tremble at the abundant prosperity and peace I provide for it.”
When the believers in a city have a kingdom vision and begin to pray together with eyes of faith, several dramatic changes take place:
- A new level of trust – This is developed between believers of different backgrounds where suspicion is gone. There is the realization that we need one another to reach our city.
- The wisdom of God – The Christians begin seeking heaven’s perspective and heaven’s agenda for their city. They begin seeking the mind of Christ and the wisdom of God for their city.
- Relational unity – The city Church begins to want deeper fellowship with other churches. This unity is much deeper than a unity based on an event. It is true friendship.
- Seeking God’s Transformation – The believers seek for God to transform their city and revive the city Church. They then bring the revival fire into the streets and community. The Church begins to influence the city.
- Lovers and worshippers of God – The Church becomes a lover of God instead of just a worker for God. They learn to worship God out of intimate fellowship. This pushes out the powers of darkness.
- Kingdom building – There is a willingness to lay down personal agendas and work towards building God’s purposes. The Church begins to see the big picture of what God wants to do in the city.
- Presence of God – There begins to be more emphasis upon waiting on God. The presence of God replaces man-made fleshly ideas, programs, and methods.
- Learners of simplicity – The Church learns the power and wisdom of simplicity. The way God works is not through a highly intellectual, organized, and complicated program. He works through simplicity.
This is what we must prayer towards. When we had our first one-month House of Prayer in southern Spain in 2006, we only started to taste what God wanted for the city. The taste made us desperately hungry for more. It was life changing, and I don’t think any of us could say that we wanted to go back to the old way. We had just begun to taste what God wanted for the Campo de Gibraltar area. A Kingdom vision was born—but there was so much more.
God is giving incredible grace for prayer at this hour. This vision is spreading far and wide, and we will soon be captured in a movement of prayer and a hunger for His presence that is unstoppable. All over the world there is beginning to be a desperate cry for fervent prayer and intercession. Let’s discover how to prepare the way for God’s presence and Kingdom by learning to pray together with churches in our area for extended periods of time. I encourage you to begin to cry out for God’s presence, and begin praying for God to raise up 24/7 prayer in your city.
Pray through this list over and over again for your city. See with eyes of faith what God wants to do. Cry out for Him to ignite a Kingdom vision in your city; the hour calls for it. Your city desperately needs God’s presence. His vision is life changing.
“Without a vision, people are doomed to live mediocre lives, carried along by social influences and self-centered interests. The Bible says, ‘Where there is no vision, the people perish’ (Proverbs 28:18 KJV). Our own vision for our lives cannot sustain us; we must have a vision that originates from the heart of God, from His very throne room. His vision is life-giving, life-changing, and worth abandoning our hearts and lives to.” Rhonda Hughey
By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International